98th Annual Charlemagne Award Dinner – St. Charles Chamber of Commerce

Home > 98th Annual Charlemagne Award Dinner – St. Charles Chamber of Commerce

St. Charles Charlemagne Award Dinner

BEI Properties was happy to support the St. Charles Chamber of Commerce’s 98th Charlemagne Award Dinner which is a wonderful event that recognizes businesses and the St. Charles community.

Being an Award Sponsor along with the City of St. Charles we are proud to recognize the businesses within the three categories; Civic Image, Community Image and Community Development. The Civic Image Award recognizes business for humanitarian efforts and civic projects. The Community Image Award is given to businesses who have made significant improvements to their business. The Community Development Award is given to businesses who broke ground for new construction, or extensive renovation projects. Overall there were 24 award winners and we applaud all of them for investing in their business and assisting in increasing and promoting vitality in the community.


This year, BEI Properties was the recipient of the Community Development Award for the creation of In Towne Self-Storage! This extensive remodeling project has taken 64,000 square feet of industrial and warehouse space that was serving only a specific group of users, to a place for the community to store valuables in a convenient location. Interior improvements boast a new office build-out and over four hundred storage pods constructed and added to the space. Energy saving automatic lighting was  installed along with a state-of-the-art security system added to provide a safe environment for guests and stored items. The sales office was remodeled with the intention of maintaining the character of the building. It has a distinct modern industrial vibe, boasting ground and polished concrete floors and counter tops, as well as an open ceiling to reveal duct work. In Towne Self-Storage is also a certified U-Haul affiliate, offering a full array of moving vans and trucks. Conveniently located near Downtown St. Charles at 951 State Ave., one block north of Route 64. To learn more, visit their website: intownestorage.com



Reaching an anniversary is a huge accomplishment for businesses and we congratulate all that have reached milestones and are celebrating anniversaries! Here at BEI Properties celebrated our 60th year in business last September and are so thankful to be a third-generation business with many tenants, customers and clients that we work with in the community.



Congratulations to Bob Gorecki, longtime volunteer and Kane County philanthropist, and now winner of the prestigious Charlemagne Award! Bob is a licensed attorney for 64 years, former chairman of the St. Charles Chamber of Commerce, former city of St. Charles attorney, former police commissioner and former fire commissioner. Gorecki and his wife Janet, who died in 2014, provided support for many local charities including Lazarus House, Hessed House, The American Red Cross and Delnor Hospital. The Gorecki’s have deep roots in St. Charles. His parents immigrated to the United States from Poland in the late 1880’s. Shortly after the turn of the century, they moved to St. Charles. A Korean War veteran, Gorecki is a longtime member of the St. Charles VFW Post 5036 and the American Legion. His commitment to giving back to St. Charles is honorable and it was fantastic to see him win this award!



Another annual award presented, is the L.E.A.P. Award which stands for Leadership, Excellence, Achievement and Professionalism.  This year’s recipient of the prestigious L.E.A.P. Award went to Leah Hoppes, president and co-founder of Vision Force Marketing – a national top-rated marketing agency. In addition, Leah is an author, speaker and marketing coach.  Hoppes is very active with Feed My Starving Children, and a leader at Christ Community Church as a strong advocate in their community outreach program Care Night.  Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication Leah!

The St. Charles Chamber has been a tenant in the Riverview Business Center, located off Riverside Ave and Illinois Ave in downtown St. Charles.We are happy to have them as a partner along with many other businesses in St. Charles!

Thank you for a wonderful event and celebration of the business community!

Photos Provided by our talented tenant Benjamin Rinenbach Photography, who also has an office at the Riverview Business Center.




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